
::I'm only happy when it rains:::

Went to go searching for a nice hotel for a friend of my mom's who is coming into town next month and then to the grocery store.

(score one for the liz-girl! Got one thing accomplished so far ^_^)

it's been cloudy and drizzly all day, but it is a known fact that the only time it rains in Tx is when you wash your car or you are trying to put groceries in the car. The bottom dropped out, and we of course didn't wait like the sane people at the grocery store...no, we had to make the mad dash with a cart full of groceries to the car.

Needless to say, I look like a wet ferret now. Of course, after we got done unloading them, I had to go play in the rain. Yes, I'm an overgrown kid....I'm also a water-faring lizard. It's a rare breed that thrives in cloudy, rainy weather. Sun is bad, water is gooood. ^_^ I should probably consider moving to Seattle...or maybe the rainier parts of Europe.

Next on the agenda--

I'm gonna hit Blockbuster. *pulls out the to-do list and crosses off everything else* When it rains you get to blow off all the real work and either read a book or watch movies. ^_^

I'm thinking "beautiful mind" and maybe "harry potter"

*skips off for a change of clothes and possibly an umbrella*

I love days off. I love to vegetate. Played some FFIX and that's about it, so nothing much to talk about so far today.
Last night I did go hang out with some friends at work. The majority of our conversation consisted of stories of another co-worker (who was not present), Mike. There's a real character.

"Oh my god! I nearly hit a kid on the way to work today!"

"I did hit a kid on the way to work today....and a dog!"

See, the thing about Mike is that if you've done something, he's done it twice. He's one of those irritating types who jumps into conversations uninvited and trys to top everyone. According to Mike, he was a Green Beret sniper in the army, and was only a few kills from beating the sniper record. Riiiiighhttt...and I fell of the turnip truck yesterday. He was telling everyone about a weekend in New Orleans during Mardi Gras until someone pointed out that he had been working that entire weekend...busted.

See, another thing about Mr. Mike is that he isn't very careful when telling these outlandish stories. He doesn't even notice when he's caught. I guess there's one in every work place--the pathalogical liar.

He wasn't the only absurdity pointed out last night either. The conversation seemed to skip around about one co-worker to the other.
It does kind of make me wonder what they say about me....*hmmms* O_o

Anywho, like I said, there isn't much to talk about. Soooooo.....here's my proposed agenda for the day...

1) finish cleaning room. (Henry is back)

2) pick a bill out of the stack and pay it

3) more laundry...maybe?

4) grocery shopping! (I really need to fill that fridge)

5) more FFIX later :-D

It just remains to be seen as to how much of that list will get accomplished. I am sure you are just on the edge of your seat in anticipation of my next update....

who really must be the queen of procrastionation...among other things


:::Is it.....food?:::

You know it's time to go to the grocery store when you look in the fridge and you have to ask that question. The contents of my refridgerator are as follows--

-Half of a lemon

-Half of an old mango

-The fossilized remainder of what appears to be some betty crocker potato product

-milk that has gone bad

-jug of water

-three bottles of unopened wine

-butter & grape jelly (no bread in the house BTW)

-and the usual condiments

That's not counting the empty containers...

This is what I lovingly refer to as the Allen Weight Loss Plan. O_o You can't be tempted by sweets, fattening foods or cokes if their aren't any in the house! Sure, you could make a quick run to Jack in the Box and pick up some 99 cent tacos, but that would require going outside, and seeing as it's 9 million degrees outside (gotta love Tx) I think I'd rather just suffer.

In other news...

My brother Jason finally got things straightened out about the Airborne thing. He's still going to Germany, but he ships out of FLW in a few days. Plus, he'll definitely be in an Airborne unit. They had told him before that he would go for training, but they were going to put him in a mechanized unit. Also, now that he's leaving for training earlier, he will get his leave early enough that he'll be able to attend our brother's wedding party.

So far I have nothing to really rant about, so I will leave this on a good note.


:::the day after:::


That pretty much sums it up. I'm exhausted. The blunt object I referred to in my previous post never came to be, so I was up until 4 ish, and I had to be up at 5 O_o

Needless to say I wasn't a happy camper at work. On the bright side, they were cutting hours and asked if I wanted to go home....
Hell yeah!! Of course now I get home, and I am hyped up on the caffein that was keeping me going at work.

"I just love it when a plan comes together" *rolls 'er eyes*

Actually, even though I was dreadfully tired, I had a decent day. I can't say the same about the drive home though....


Does ANYBODY understand the concept of 'Yield' ??? Or what about 'right turn only' lanes? Everyone around here is in such a bloody hurry to get somewhere, that they totally forget common courtesy and disregard stop signs...yield signs...and sometimes even traffic lights.

People are just flat out rude. And where the hell is a police officer when you need one? Oh sure, they are around to give you tickets for dim tail lights or no front license plate *grumbles...is still bitter about that one*
But what about people who are out there causing accidents?

*huffs and sighs*

:::end road rage rant:::

Just so you know, this is what I do. I vent. If I am unhappy about something, I rant to anyone who will listen. It makes me feel better, and when somebody says "yeah, that really pisses me off too!!" I feel righteous and justified. Some people say bottle it up...not me.

I'm sure there is a healthy medium between bottling up anger and emotions as opposed to throwing it out there for all to see, but that just wouldn't be any fun, would it?

So there you have it. Me in a nutshell.

{{{{{lizard}}}}} <------nutshell


You've gotta love not being able to sleep, especially when you have to be up in five hours for work. Ack! More like four and a half....and counting. O_o Oh well, it's what I get for popping in Pride and Predjudice into the DVD around 6ish. (so much for the laundry and FFIX)
Well, to be fair I DID get a little laundry done....a very little.

And while watching P&P (one of my all-time favorite chick flicks by the way) I did manage to clean up my room a bit. It was very much in danger of being quarantined and condemned O_o I really think there is an ogre living in my closet. His name is Henry, I have decided. He lives off trash and in a pinch dirty clothes. (at least he will never go hungry!) I fear though that he will have to find another place to call home, at least for the time being. Not too terribly long, I am sure.

Funny the stuff you run accross while cleaning. It's also amazing what a little bit of laundry does to improve your wardrobe ^_^

Anywho, since I don't have anything to post about of importance, I guess I will tell you a little about myself. (for those of you not already aqquainted with my insanity--

I am 20 years old, and I work full-time at Home Depot (as you probably already guessed in my previous post).
I have been homeschooled all of my life, which explains some of my oddity I am sure. ^_~
I am a self-acknowledged nerd. I like science fiction, fantasy, roleplaying and video games. I'm an avid reader and writer, though I cannot claim much talent in the latter. I also enjoy drawing. I write a little poetry when the mood strikes me.

It's all very ill and not worth reading, but it does give the poor, unsuspecting reader a glimpse into my psyche, so beware!
If you haven't guessed by the name of my blog or my email address, my nickname is Lizard. (original, eh?)

And just because I can't think of a better way to introduce myself, here is a random list of my likes....


Movie(s): in no particular order
Grosse Point Blank
Monty Python's Holy Grail
Pride & Predjudice
Star Wars (any of them, save for episode 1...that wasn't that great)
Thirteeth Floor
Guys and Dolls
Bridget Jones' Diary (Colin Firth is great)
Army of Darkness

Band(s): Again, no particular order
System of a Down
Big Bad Voodoo Daddies
Perfect Circle
Brian Setzer Orchestra
Vertical Horizon
The Calling (a newer favorite)

Chinese food or Pizza (it's a short list...hmmm...pizza)

Anything Sobe

TV Show(s): (gonna stick with current shows)
Star Trek: Enterprise (but any will suffice)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
The Simpsons
Trading Spaces
None of which I really watch on a regular basis right now. Yay for working retail and unpredictable hours *SARCASM*

Well, that's all for the time being. More when I feel like it. Right now I'm gonna go hit myself over the head with a blunt object and *try* to get some sleep.... ~_~ zzzzzzzz


Well, here it is in all of it's glory....

It's my Blog! Why? (you may or may not be asking) Because I can, and because everyone else is doing it...and yes, if everyone else jumped off a cliff I'd do that too. (not really, but it sounded good, eh?)

So what's new with me?
Well, I'm working hard at Home Depot. You know, you put on the orange apron, and immediately everyone who walks up to you assumes you know EVERYTHING about the store. It doesn't help that the apron says "I help in all departments" O_o

:::Dammit Jim, I'm a cashier, not a plumber!:::

I work returns, I don't know a flip about sprinkler systems, sheetrock, butterfly wrenches or fertilizer. I can hold my own with lawnmowers and trimmers, but that's about it. I've become really good at dealing with thieves and people who are really good at lying.
"no...I didn't put straight gas it that trimmer, I promise!"

I've recently become addicted to FFIX. (yes, I'm a nerd. I can live with that) I'm one of those few, irritating people who will spend months on a game trying to get all of the best stuff. By the time I actually finish, I'm usually so incredibly overpowered that I can kill the big, ultimate bad guy in a few shots. (can you say powerplayer?)

That's actually about it for me. My brother Jason just graduated AIT in the army. He was supposed to ship off to Airborne today in Georgia, but they pulled some last minute crap on him, and now he will most likely been sent to Germany in a new Airborne company, Now he's stuck in Fort Lost in the Woods until early July. If you ask me, the army is a big joke. All they do is lie and tell you what you want to hear in order to get you in longer. Makes me glad I didn't join when I was thinking about it.

In other news, my brother and his wife are having their wedding party next month. They are also expecting a baby! I'm going to be an Aunt!

That's all for now. I've got laundry to do, and more FFIX to play ^_^
