

You've gotta love not being able to sleep, especially when you have to be up in five hours for work. Ack! More like four and a half....and counting. O_o Oh well, it's what I get for popping in Pride and Predjudice into the DVD around 6ish. (so much for the laundry and FFIX)
Well, to be fair I DID get a little laundry done....a very little.

And while watching P&P (one of my all-time favorite chick flicks by the way) I did manage to clean up my room a bit. It was very much in danger of being quarantined and condemned O_o I really think there is an ogre living in my closet. His name is Henry, I have decided. He lives off trash and in a pinch dirty clothes. (at least he will never go hungry!) I fear though that he will have to find another place to call home, at least for the time being. Not too terribly long, I am sure.

Funny the stuff you run accross while cleaning. It's also amazing what a little bit of laundry does to improve your wardrobe ^_^

Anywho, since I don't have anything to post about of importance, I guess I will tell you a little about myself. (for those of you not already aqquainted with my insanity--

I am 20 years old, and I work full-time at Home Depot (as you probably already guessed in my previous post).
I have been homeschooled all of my life, which explains some of my oddity I am sure. ^_~
I am a self-acknowledged nerd. I like science fiction, fantasy, roleplaying and video games. I'm an avid reader and writer, though I cannot claim much talent in the latter. I also enjoy drawing. I write a little poetry when the mood strikes me.

It's all very ill and not worth reading, but it does give the poor, unsuspecting reader a glimpse into my psyche, so beware!
If you haven't guessed by the name of my blog or my email address, my nickname is Lizard. (original, eh?)

And just because I can't think of a better way to introduce myself, here is a random list of my likes....


Movie(s): in no particular order
Grosse Point Blank
Monty Python's Holy Grail
Pride & Predjudice
Star Wars (any of them, save for episode 1...that wasn't that great)
Thirteeth Floor
Guys and Dolls
Bridget Jones' Diary (Colin Firth is great)
Army of Darkness

Band(s): Again, no particular order
System of a Down
Big Bad Voodoo Daddies
Perfect Circle
Brian Setzer Orchestra
Vertical Horizon
The Calling (a newer favorite)

Chinese food or Pizza (it's a short list...hmmm...pizza)

Anything Sobe

TV Show(s): (gonna stick with current shows)
Star Trek: Enterprise (but any will suffice)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
The Simpsons
Trading Spaces
None of which I really watch on a regular basis right now. Yay for working retail and unpredictable hours *SARCASM*

Well, that's all for the time being. More when I feel like it. Right now I'm gonna go hit myself over the head with a blunt object and *try* to get some sleep.... ~_~ zzzzzzzz


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