
Well, here it is in all of it's glory....

It's my Blog! Why? (you may or may not be asking) Because I can, and because everyone else is doing it...and yes, if everyone else jumped off a cliff I'd do that too. (not really, but it sounded good, eh?)

So what's new with me?
Well, I'm working hard at Home Depot. You know, you put on the orange apron, and immediately everyone who walks up to you assumes you know EVERYTHING about the store. It doesn't help that the apron says "I help in all departments" O_o

:::Dammit Jim, I'm a cashier, not a plumber!:::

I work returns, I don't know a flip about sprinkler systems, sheetrock, butterfly wrenches or fertilizer. I can hold my own with lawnmowers and trimmers, but that's about it. I've become really good at dealing with thieves and people who are really good at lying.
"no...I didn't put straight gas it that trimmer, I promise!"

I've recently become addicted to FFIX. (yes, I'm a nerd. I can live with that) I'm one of those few, irritating people who will spend months on a game trying to get all of the best stuff. By the time I actually finish, I'm usually so incredibly overpowered that I can kill the big, ultimate bad guy in a few shots. (can you say powerplayer?)

That's actually about it for me. My brother Jason just graduated AIT in the army. He was supposed to ship off to Airborne today in Georgia, but they pulled some last minute crap on him, and now he will most likely been sent to Germany in a new Airborne company, Now he's stuck in Fort Lost in the Woods until early July. If you ask me, the army is a big joke. All they do is lie and tell you what you want to hear in order to get you in longer. Makes me glad I didn't join when I was thinking about it.

In other news, my brother and his wife are having their wedding party next month. They are also expecting a baby! I'm going to be an Aunt!

That's all for now. I've got laundry to do, and more FFIX to play ^_^



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