
::I'm only happy when it rains:::

Went to go searching for a nice hotel for a friend of my mom's who is coming into town next month and then to the grocery store.

(score one for the liz-girl! Got one thing accomplished so far ^_^)

it's been cloudy and drizzly all day, but it is a known fact that the only time it rains in Tx is when you wash your car or you are trying to put groceries in the car. The bottom dropped out, and we of course didn't wait like the sane people at the grocery store...no, we had to make the mad dash with a cart full of groceries to the car.

Needless to say, I look like a wet ferret now. Of course, after we got done unloading them, I had to go play in the rain. Yes, I'm an overgrown kid....I'm also a water-faring lizard. It's a rare breed that thrives in cloudy, rainy weather. Sun is bad, water is gooood. ^_^ I should probably consider moving to Seattle...or maybe the rainier parts of Europe.

Next on the agenda--

I'm gonna hit Blockbuster. *pulls out the to-do list and crosses off everything else* When it rains you get to blow off all the real work and either read a book or watch movies. ^_^

I'm thinking "beautiful mind" and maybe "harry potter"

*skips off for a change of clothes and possibly an umbrella*


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