
I haven't been very regular with my posting the past few days. Alot has been going on!

Jason came back from Fort Benning on friday with Dad, but he didn't come home until sunday night at Mike's wedding party.
(which was alot of fun BTW, but I will get to that in a moment.) Friday Mom's friend Frank came into town, and we met him at his hotel. Frank is a really nicee guy, and him and Mom seem to have hit it off. ^_^ They've been cooking nonstop since he got into town too, so I probably put on a few lbs. :)

Friday night we drove out with Mike aka Mustafa to Enloe to look at stars. It was really nice, though we DID get lost. (don't roll your eyes like that...I wasn't navigating!)

Saturday we ate more and then went to a mystery dinner type thing. That was a lot of fun. It's all interactive, so while you eat you are trying to solve a crime. Sunday we ate (again...all day) and then went to the wedding party. There we met Jason and Dad. Probably one of the best nights of my life. Not very often that I see everyone I care about in the same room, and having fun on top of it.
Towards the end of the evening after all the ceremony type stuff, everyone got up and danced..now that was cute. My dad, both brothers and Jason were up dancing which really surprised me.
We got tons of pictures, so I will put them up when I get a chance. I can't wait to see them ^_^

Anyway, I will write more later. Got things to do since I really haven't spent much time at home.




None, but I just finished Fire Sea: Vol 3 Death Gate Cycle

3. FAVORITE BOARD GAME? Clue, Monopoly..? *shrugs*

4. FAVORITE MAGAZINE? Dun read magazines...nup

5. FAVORITE SMELL? The smell after a clean, hard rain ^_^

6. COMFORT FOODS? Anything chocolate...pizza and chinese are good too :P



9. FAVORITE FAST FOOD PLACE? Jack in the Box or Taco Hell. O_o

10. FUTURE CHILD'S NAME? Not gonna have any...nope nope.

11. WHAT IS MOST IMPORTANT IN LIFE? Just that....respect and love of life.

MONEY..."I'd help family and anyone I could, and I'd save some for myself...perhaps buy an island....start my own country....'all hail empress lizard!'

13. DO YOU DRIVE FAST? According to everyone who rides with me...yes hehehe

14. DO YOU SLEEP WITH A STUFFED ANIMAL? A chick named Mr. Fluff :)

15. STORMS--COOL OR SCARY? Cool *nods*

16. WHAT WAS YOUR FIRST CAR? 98 Nissan Frontier

17. FAVORITE ALCOHOLIC DRINK? Anything Skyy....vodka or blue

WOULD LOVE TO...." Travel


WOULD IT BE? Blue *nods*

21. GLASS- HALF EMPTY OR HALF FULL? Half-full.....I'm ever the optimist

LIVED IN? Too many to count



26. WHAT IS UNDER YOUR BED? Hmmmm...clothes, trash, and probably Henry ^_~

Over!!! Over dammit!!!.....

There you go boys and girls. I haven't posted anything in a few days, so I figured I'd better post SOMETHING...even if noone is reading O_o

*who is at this moment waiting for pizza* pizza..........


I am a:

Chaotic Good Elf Bard Mage
Follower Of Hanali Cenanil

Chaotic Good characters are independent types with a strong belief in the value of goodness. They have little use for governments and other forces of order, and will generally do their own things, without heed to such groups.

Elves are the eldest of all races, although they are generally a bit smaller than humans. They are generally well-cultured, artistic, easy-going, and because of their long lives, unconcerned with day-to-day activities that other races frequently concern themselves with. Elves are, effectively, immortal, although they can be killed. After a thousand years or so, they simply pass on to the next plane of existance.

Primary Class:
Bards are the entertainers. They sing, dance, and play instruments to make other people happy, and, frequently, make money. They also tend to dabble in magic a bit.

Secondary Class:
Mages harness the magical energies for their own use. Spells, spell books, and long hours in the library are their loves. While often not physically strong, their mental talents can make up for this.

Hanali Cenanil is the Chaotic Good elven goddess of love, beauty, and art. She is also known as the Heart of Gold and Lady Goldheart. Her followers delight in creation and youth, and work to spread happiness, love, and beauty. Their preferred weapon is the dagger.

Texas Trip

I ran across Trena's (aka Rini) old website while scrounging about for stuffs to update my website. Lots of fun pictures and quotes.

*sighs* the good old days....

Who is feeling somewhat nostalgic at the moment
:::Daugter of a Kender Mapmaker:::

Indeed, that is an appropriate title for yours truly....if you read Dragonlance, you'd understand. I am hiddeously awful with directions.
(yes, I admit it!) I had a job interview today with Wyndham Suites in the Dallas area, and I drove around for an hour and a half looking for the damn place! *grrrrs* No thanks to the evil Yahoo get-you-lost directions. Sure, it put me in the same county as the place I was looking for, but that's about it.

I finally had to resort to the old driving in circles routine, starting in a big circle and working my way in. After stopping somewhere to get bad directions, I finally gave up and tried to get home. (and btw, if I had followed THEIR directions, I probably would've ended up in Denton....again) While trying to figure out just how to get FAR FAR away from Dallas, I stumbled on my exit accidentally! *sighs*

So, I made it to the interview on time, only to be completely disappointed with the prospect. I am sure the lady interviewing me saw my lack of enthusiasm. I doubt they will be giving me a call. I'm utterly devestated, I can assure you *BLATANT SARCASM*

:::Driving in the 'Big D':::

Everyone is Dallas drives like someone intoxicated and on crack. It must be some unwritten law that you go 85 mph, and under no circumstances are you allowed to signal. I guess I missed that memo before venturing out. People who drive in Dallas are ASSHOLES!

I'll never complain about Ft. Worth again. (well, probably not...but it sounds good, right?) Home Depot is looking better and better. And it's NOWHERE NEAR DALLAS!

So there you have it. An spectacular and dismal failure on my part.

And speaking of failures....

:::Daily Resolutions-Day: Whatever:::

No resolutions, and I don't give a bloody hell :)

To Do today:


~More laundry

~Pay a bill...any will suffice as there are plenty to choose from

~Indulge in a good book or movie

yours etc...




You have a need to communicate and express yourself. You are inclined to over intellectualize, and hate to be misquoted. You have a diplomatic flair to your nature. Equality and fairness are important to you. You are relatively demonstrative in your affections. You enjoy being stroked verbally and physically. You are compassionate, highly imaginative and creative. You have much enthusiasm with a driving attitude toward achievement in life. You are a constructive thinker. You have a need for monetary security. You need to learn to be expressive. You are a person who cannot tolerate being misunderstood. Your privacy is important to you. You have a rich inner life. You work hard to achieve material success through your own efforts.


You tend to be critical of yourself, not always expressing your true desires. You have an interest in health and health matters. You need to learn to give and receive love for love's sake. You have a need to be assured of affection. You are clever, inventive, imaginative and youthful. You enjoy socializing. You have a great deal of loyalty to those you love. You have much inner strength. You must learn the lessons of self-worth; learn to love yourself before you can love others. You need to learn to be expressive. You are a person who cannot tolerate being misunderstood.


You have much enthusiasm with a driving attitude toward achievement in life. You must learn the lessons of self-worth; learn to love yourself before you can love others. You must learn the lessons of self-worth; learn to love yourself before you can love others. You need to learn to be expressive. You are a person who cannot tolerate being misunderstood. You must learn to give 'wise' service and not be a martyr.

Have your name analyzed!


:::day 3:::

My little daily resolution thing has gotten off to a dismal failure. My first resolution (to walk wolfie and avoid softdrinks) was only partially completed. I didn't break down and drink any cokes, but I also didn't take wolfie for a walk.

Today I broke my resolotion of no cokes and had a Dr. Peppers...(bad lizzy!)

But I will persevere and not be discouraged. Tomorrow is another day, and I am determined.

In other news, my brother started Airborne training today. We haven't heard from him since Tennesee, so I'm hoping he will call next weekend.

only one week until my interview and counting. Cross your fingers....I really need the second job, and this one sounds promising.

Anyway, my day off was uneventful except for solving some plumbing issues in the kitchen. *yays for that Home Depot DIY spirit*
For those of you who don't bleed orange DIY=do it yourself. ^_~

And speaking of HD, I have discovered the most annoying string of words put together into a sentence in the english language...

*in an irate voice* "I spend 20,000 dollars a week here!" (though I've heard everything from $1,000 a wk-1,000,000 a yr.)
You know, I don't care HOW much people spend, everyone is given the same level of customer service. Of course, I have observed that bad customers usually get their way no matter what. I guess the managers don't like to deal with them. *rolls eyes*

It's people like that who make people like me hate retail sometimes. If only I knew where THEY worked. I think everyone should work retail or some other form of customer service job. I really think it would improve people's attitudes. I know I am certainly more patient when out shopping or eating out. I never complain to a manager. It's a matter of principal. The asshole you're griping about doesn't ever get what they deserve anyway...in fact, it's the hardworking, nice people who suffer the brunt of the complaints. Why bother?

But hey, if other people want to be vindictive, self-righeous assholes....to each his own. They'll get there's someday. *evil grin*

Anyway, it's off to be with me. Another fun-filled day at the HD. Woohoo!

As for tomorrow's resolution--

No cokes (gonna stick with that one)

I'm going to spend some time on the Nordic Track.

As Always.....


:::A day in the life of....:::

Well, today was pretty much like yesterday. I worked at 6am with little or no sleep. It was actually pretty hectic as everyone was out shopping. Sometimes I wonder why people can't just stay at home, but then I remember that if they did, I'd be out of a job. That usually helps....a very little bit.

I had an egg and cheese taquito for breakfast with a cup of coffee. Lunch consisted of a hotdog and dill chips. Dinner was a far less interesting bowl of life cereal and V8. Coke count for the day: 3 O_o
It's a habit I've been trying to quit (again...I was off soft drinks for over a year) but I seem to be quite addicted. But I will persevere and beat this little deficiency of mine.

I spent the evening pretty much like yesterday (no fireworks btw *pouts*) watching TV and painting my ceramic elephant.
So there you have it...

The agenda for my day off tomorrow-

~Wash clothes

~Pay a few bills


~Sleep in (I'm pretty sure that one will get done)

And now to introduce a new section of my blog...

:::The short-term daily resolution:::

everyday I will pick one thing that I will do that day and one thing I will not do. I will post my daily progress here.

Day 1 resolution-
I will go for a walk with my schnauzer Wolfie. Gotta have that quality time, and the exercise wouldn't hurt ^_^ I will NOT drink any cokes or otherwise fizzy beverages.

Sounds simple enough, eh?


:::Insomnia: Part Deux:::

Here I am again. It's not that late, but I am supposed to be up at 5 am to go to work. That of course means I'll be up until 3 am at the very least. But perhaps I will take a melatonin now, that way by midnight I will be snoozing away. ~_~ zzzzz

I went and saw "men in black: 2" today. It was pretty amusing, though not as funny as the first. I don't think the chemistry was there. I definitely think it's a blockbuster movie...and by blockbuster I mean rent it at blockbuster.

Saw 'a beautiful mind'...now that was a good movie. Though with Russell Crowe, how could it not be?

Nothing terribly thrilling the past couple of days. Well, I do have an interview with Wyndham Suites on the 15th. It looks promising.
Also, there is a position opening up at HD that I put in for. Everyone seems to think I would be good at it, so here's hoping....

Tomorrow I work early, so I'll be off around 3ish. We haven't decided where we're going to see fireworks yet. I'm excited though. I love 4th of July. Probably my favorite holiday....go figure.

Might drive down to Dad's on friday if Mike is still there. Other than that I'm working. Like I said, nothing exciting going on. I don't have anything to rant about! I think two days is a record.

Well, the melatonin is kicking in, so I'm off to bed...

who is suddenly verrryyyy sleepy