
:::Insomnia: Part Deux:::

Here I am again. It's not that late, but I am supposed to be up at 5 am to go to work. That of course means I'll be up until 3 am at the very least. But perhaps I will take a melatonin now, that way by midnight I will be snoozing away. ~_~ zzzzz

I went and saw "men in black: 2" today. It was pretty amusing, though not as funny as the first. I don't think the chemistry was there. I definitely think it's a blockbuster movie...and by blockbuster I mean rent it at blockbuster.

Saw 'a beautiful mind'...now that was a good movie. Though with Russell Crowe, how could it not be?

Nothing terribly thrilling the past couple of days. Well, I do have an interview with Wyndham Suites on the 15th. It looks promising.
Also, there is a position opening up at HD that I put in for. Everyone seems to think I would be good at it, so here's hoping....

Tomorrow I work early, so I'll be off around 3ish. We haven't decided where we're going to see fireworks yet. I'm excited though. I love 4th of July. Probably my favorite holiday....go figure.

Might drive down to Dad's on friday if Mike is still there. Other than that I'm working. Like I said, nothing exciting going on. I don't have anything to rant about! I think two days is a record.

Well, the melatonin is kicking in, so I'm off to bed...

who is suddenly verrryyyy sleepy


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