
:::day 3:::

My little daily resolution thing has gotten off to a dismal failure. My first resolution (to walk wolfie and avoid softdrinks) was only partially completed. I didn't break down and drink any cokes, but I also didn't take wolfie for a walk.

Today I broke my resolotion of no cokes and had a Dr. Peppers...(bad lizzy!)

But I will persevere and not be discouraged. Tomorrow is another day, and I am determined.

In other news, my brother started Airborne training today. We haven't heard from him since Tennesee, so I'm hoping he will call next weekend.

only one week until my interview and counting. Cross your fingers....I really need the second job, and this one sounds promising.

Anyway, my day off was uneventful except for solving some plumbing issues in the kitchen. *yays for that Home Depot DIY spirit*
For those of you who don't bleed orange DIY=do it yourself. ^_~

And speaking of HD, I have discovered the most annoying string of words put together into a sentence in the english language...

*in an irate voice* "I spend 20,000 dollars a week here!" (though I've heard everything from $1,000 a wk-1,000,000 a yr.)
You know, I don't care HOW much people spend, everyone is given the same level of customer service. Of course, I have observed that bad customers usually get their way no matter what. I guess the managers don't like to deal with them. *rolls eyes*

It's people like that who make people like me hate retail sometimes. If only I knew where THEY worked. I think everyone should work retail or some other form of customer service job. I really think it would improve people's attitudes. I know I am certainly more patient when out shopping or eating out. I never complain to a manager. It's a matter of principal. The asshole you're griping about doesn't ever get what they deserve anyway...in fact, it's the hardworking, nice people who suffer the brunt of the complaints. Why bother?

But hey, if other people want to be vindictive, self-righeous assholes....to each his own. They'll get there's someday. *evil grin*

Anyway, it's off to be with me. Another fun-filled day at the HD. Woohoo!

As for tomorrow's resolution--

No cokes (gonna stick with that one)

I'm going to spend some time on the Nordic Track.

As Always.....


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