::fun in Lost Havens::
(http://www.losthavens.com ~Dragonlance 4th age roleplaying chat)
Laraelyth: oh, come now *she smiles* you are a man of the world. You must have tales of romance and intrigue....
(21:36:42 (Nov 14, 2002)) (lizzer)
Laraelyth: (once upon a time there was a beautiful princess "capital T capital P" who lived in the Tall Tower "TT" surounded by the Great Bog "GB"...one day the Evil Prince "EP".....and etc...)
(21:38:55 (Nov 14, 2002)) (lizzer)
Thayne Corr: *smirks* If I told you any of my interesting romance stories, I'm sure you would either blush or hit me. But still.....
(21:39:4 (Nov 14, 2002)) (Wally)
Laraelyth: *grins* indeed? Now I must know..*chuckles*
(21:40:2 (Nov 14, 2002)) (lizzer)
Thayne Corr: Well...in your business, I'm sure you know that sometimes it's necessary to make alliances with some....unscrupulous sorts
(21:41:33 (Nov 14, 2002)) (Wally)
Laraelyth: Alas..yes.
(21:42:6 (Nov 14, 2002)) (lizzer)
Thayne Corr: Well....a few years ago, I had some interesting works of art I was trying to get out of Silvanost...only they were being a bit touchy about lettign such things leave the area...
(21:43:20 (Nov 14, 2002)) (Wally)
Thayne Corr: So I sent a woman that works for me ahead into Silvanost, to establish contacts and look around, then after two weeks, I joined her, intending that the two of us should...acquire them somehow
(21:44:2 (Nov 14, 2002)) (Wally)
Laraelyth: *quirks a brow and nods...pouring another glass of wine*
(21:44:51 (Nov 14, 2002)) (lizzer)
Thayne Corr: Well, I'm sure you know how it can get, being with one familiar person in a sea of strangers. in the midst of planning everything, she and I became rather...ahem intimate.
(21:46:18 (Nov 14, 2002)) (Wally)
Thayne Corr: So, it took me completely by surprise when one particularly intimate moment was interrupted by a trio of sword-wielding ruffians bursting into the room, shouting. *smirks*
(21:47:44 (Nov 14, 2002)) (Wally)
Laraelyth: *has a hard time keeping the amused look off of 'er face*
(21:48:26 (Nov 14, 2002)) (lizzer)
Thayne Corr: What followed was....*pauses, tries to think of how to describe it without totally embarassing himself* Well, as I fought my way clear, I got to see much of the city, and much of the city got to see quite alot of me.
(21:48:53 (Nov 14, 2002)) (Wally)
Thayne Corr: When I reached the border, all I had to my name was my sword, and a bearskin rug I'd grabbed on the way out.
(21:49:18 (Nov 14, 2002)) (Wally)
Laraelyth: *chokes mid-sip, picturing him in his 'altogether'* well, it's a good thing you were...well...er...equipped *grins broadly*
(21:50:25 (Nov 14, 2002)) (lizzer)
Laraelyth: (a sword eh? is that what they are calling it nowadays? *smirks* )
(21:51:14 (Nov 14, 2002)) (lizzer)
Thayne Corr: (*WHAPS* hush you)
(21:51:36 (Nov 14, 2002)) (Wally)
Thayne Corr: Hush you. (yay, a line that works for both occasions)
(21:51:54 (Nov 14, 2002)) (Wally)
Laraelyth: (*looks innocent* what?)
(21:51:59 (Nov 14, 2002)) (lizzer)
Laraelyth: *looks innocent* what? (har)
(21:53:1 (Nov 14, 2002)) (lizzer)