
Class Tuesday..

In light of recent events, aikido is probably what's going to help me maintain my sanity. :)

Bob Sensei taught.


kokyunage backstretch/ukemi (omote)

W/Pete. My partner was an older gentleman, and he's pretty stiff, so this was pretty difficult. We did alright, but he caught his toe on his gi pants, causing him to take a fall mid-technique. Sensei came over and in good humor told me not to injure my partners.. heh

another kokyunage (omote & ura)
First w/David. slide in, facing same direction as uke then extend your arm across their chest and slide back. We didn't make it too far in this one, because David caught HIS toe on his gi pants and tripped. O_o Sensei came over, gave me what I like to call the "Sensei evil eye" and asked me why I kept trying to injure my uke's. *looks sheepish* David admitted to tripping himself, but I think Sensei must think I have bad gi karma!

David sat out, so I went to practice with brand newbie and Charlie.
The ura version was something like slide in, facing the same direction as uke, tenkan to get uke in front of you, swing out, atemi, step through under their arm then slide back a little and extend your arm across their shoulders while turning into uke.

Another kokyunage, sending uke into a forward roll. I started to pair up with Rita, also a brand newbie. After a few of us received a mini Sensei lecture this weekend on helping the new people as much as possible, I decided to give it a shot.
Sensei reminded me she didn't know how to forward roll, so with a warning to try not and kill her, he said to just practice forward rolls from a low crouching position.
Aida brought over the other new guy-- he didn't know forward rolls either. She went to practice with someone else. Sensei came back over and asked "you're going to help both of them?" I said I didn't mind, but I think I must have cast a wistful glance at a nearby pair practicing (unintentionally of course) but Sensei told me I could go practice, and he would help them with basic rolling-- with a bit of a grin.

Practiced with Aida and another guy. (grr can't remember his name) Nothing fancy...slide in, turn to face same direction as uke then sliding forward with your forward hand palm up, sending uke into a forward roll. We practiced for a while before Sensei clapped and *gasps* calls me up to take ukemi for him.
I've only been called up once before, and that was for Steve Sensei, Bob Sensei doesn't ever call up non-kyus. I gave him the "who me?" look, and he seemed to find that highly amusing. I was pleasantly surprised that he demonstrated another kokyunage throw. ^_^ it was fun being thrown across the mat by Sensei.

Let's see, after that he called for katatetori ai hanmi ikkyo. (omote & ura)
W/gaijinn, who asked me when I was testing. grrr :) Testing is probably another 1-2 months out. Focused on getting uke extended forward before stepping in while trying not to drop him on the mat. On ura, I tried to keep uke's arm in front of me while controlling the tenkan a little better.

After break we practiced a jo waza kokyunage throw.
Again w/Pete. I like the jo for techniques-- it really helps me keep my arms extended and move my entire body.

Good class-- I needed it. Class again tonight.

On a sidenote, my truck is all better! (it was in the shop for brake problems after 3 months of sitting in my driveway...lol)



Blogger uchi deshi said...

Nothing like ukemi to make you feel better after affairs of the heart. Maybe I'll add another entry myself one of these days.

5:11 PM  
Blogger Liz said...

It's about bloody time ^_^


2:06 AM  
Blogger uchi deshi said...

I'm getting married next week, so I've been distracted.

1:56 PM  

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