
dizzying class

Bob Sensei was sick tonight, so Charlie taught first class and Steve taught second.
Got there in time to stretch out. Was a large class for a Thursday, but I was the only woman O_o Ron asked me tonight how I liked having the dressing room to myself. heh

Class with Charlie...


kokyunage (omote--backstretch and then ukemi)
w/4th kyu. CHarlie Sensei reminded me that as uke, I should turn my head away as nage extends their arm across my chest, otherwise I could be hit in the chin.

kotegaeshi (ura)
Two ways. Either swinging up or down. Practiced with a psuedo new guy. He had practiced in our dojo a few years ago for a few months and returned. (actually had two people like that tonight... strange)
He was still trying to remember basic movements, but it wasn't like working with a complete beginner. We muddled through okay, and he was trying very hard. I didn't have the heart to tell him his gi pants were backwards. I hope one of the guys pointed it put in the dressing room. (will completely ignore the fact that I've done that once...luckily I caught it before class started...lol)

A technique I've never done before
W/a 3rd kyu. Slide in, facing same direction as uke, break the hand away then continue around to uke's back, grasp the shoulders and drop your weight as you slide off the line. This was fun :) Charlie Sensei said it was a great technique for randori.



W/Ron. It's getting to the point where I can practice and not have to worry about my partner needing to guide my every movement. huzzah. :) Practicing with Ron is always helpful to me, because he gives me small reminders, but mostly likes to focus on practicing quietly. It's a far cry from practicing with our other brown-belt shihan. Ron is always very encouraging. I love his attitude towards training. You can always sense his focus in class. He's always a favorite as uke for Sensei. He really amazes me everytime I practice with him.


W/Steve. He does everything he can to put beginners like me at ease, so he's usually a favorite for me anyway to partner with. For some reason tonight, I couldn't get the tenshin movement. We spent most of the time practicing that. He told me to imagine I was holding a bokken. (swing up-- swing down!) While moving into shihonage, the other hand is supposed to cut through nage-- so to speak. I struggled with this, but I think I got it.. sort of. Now if only I could figure out shihonage... LOL

Second class-- Steve Sensei.


W/pseudo new guy again. Swing out, step through, pivot and cut down-- sending uke into a forward roll.

W/David (newbie) I seem to always pair up w/less experience partners for this technique. LOL Steve Sensei said uke could either take a backroll, forward roll or breakfall, depending on uke's experience and comfort level. While helping out my partner, he demonstrated the various falls... on me O_o. "She can either fall back"
I tucked my leg and rolled back ala teenage mutant ninja turtles-- "she can forward roll" I went into a pretty decent forward roll :) "and if she really trusts me, she can breakfall.."
I looked at him like he was crazy when he didn't let go of my arm, but he insisted-- I took a pansy breakfall/roll out sideways thing.
"Apparently she's not ready to breakfall" *grins*

W/Charlie (mudansha charlie) It was fun to practice a big kid technique with a big kid...lol I said I felt like I was rolling strange for this one, but he said my rolls were very smooth. yay!

When Sensei clapped, I started to head back to other end of the mat. Sensei bowed to Charlie to demonstrate the next technique... or so I thought. He told Charlie, not you, Liz. O_o WHAT? ME? I'm not demo uke. *insert confuzzled look here*
He demonstrated katatetori nikkyo, with a tenkan to face the same direction as uke. Cut down a little then bring uke's arm to the shoulder for nikkyo. He demonstrated it several times, and I tried very hard to follow his lead and not become a blundering idiot on the mat. It was incredibly fun being demo uke though, it just surprised the heck out of me, especially since he skipped over several of the higher ranks. He was mainly using Ron and Charlie (yudansha) to demo.

After that, it seemed like my partner, Pete (5th kyu) was expecting me to guide him through the technique. I had to remind him he's done it alot more than me.

Was a really fun class. Kind of funny, but several of my dojomates who rarely talk to me were chit-chatting with me after class. Go figure. :)

Good times, but my mind is reeling. I know I missed some stuff, but I've got more than enough to think about for a few days. At least until Saturday.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah....things are always slipping my mind after a busy day.


12:33 AM  
Blogger uchi deshi said...

Things are back to normal.

1:23 AM  
Blogger Liz said...

huzzah for normalacy! :)

And now it's bedtime. Work in 4.5 hours

1:39 AM  
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9:50 AM  

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