
Work the arms! (part 2)

I'm beat.

Lots of kokyunage. In fact, class was almost all kokyunage during the first half of class.

For some reason I'm drawing a blank tonight.

Two techniques starting from katatetori ai hanmi...

iriminage (direct entry--no tenkan)

Ushiro tekubitori kokyunage-- two different ways.

Ushiro tekubitori//
Ikkyo (omote & ura)
Jujinage-- shiny and new! :)


After break, Sensei had us pull out the bokken and stand in the dreaded circle. Approximately 20 people total, all counting to ten for shomen strikes.
We went around the circle three times. *does some quick late night math* that makes about 600 shomen strikes. O_o I'm tired. I think I left my arms back at the dojo.

Sensei was asking everyone in class if we would be attending the Seminar in San Antonio with Peter Bernath. I don't think he was terribly thrilled that noone in class tonight was planning on attending. He said the seminar was mandatory unless there was a family or work excuse. He came around to me tonight and said "you're going to San Antonio with us, right?"

"No, I have work... and family... stuff... yeah" :)

I told Mark I wasn't cool enough for seminars yet. LOL I'd really love to go, but logistically it's not feasible. Maybe next time... perhaps when more people from the dojo are planning on attending.

Major cop-out post tonight.. I'm exhausted. I doubt I'll have any trouble sleeping tonight.


Blogger uchi deshi said...

I always learn something at seminars, no matter what my rank, but I don't always feel like putting that many hours of training in. We're already going every day, do I really want to put in an extra 8-12 hours this weekend?
You have names for some techniques that we don't use. That always worries me.

2:29 PM  
Blogger Liz said...

LOL... Ya'll probably just call them something else. Our dojo is aikikai- so the terminology may just be different.

I'd love to attend a seminar, but I wonder if I have the stamina, ability to keep up..etc..

I still have a hard time convincing myself to leave the confines of the "beginner" classes. O_o I'm glad Sensei asked me though. Maybe next time.

12:52 AM  

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