Work the the arms!
Started out with a katatetori aihanmi iriminage. For some reason I just couldn't get my body to work like it was supposed to. My partner was patient as always, but I had a really hard time keeping him close through the tenkan. Sensei had to come over several times during that technique to correct my arm extension, hip placement...etc...
Next up was katatetori aihanmi shihonage. More problems there- as I stepped in to pivot, bringing uke's hand up over mine, I had a hard time keeping my hands visisble. This had the unfortunate side-effect of causing me to be off balance with my hands up over and behind my head. "this isn't right, *I'm* not the one who's supposed to ukemi" :)
I had to practice the entry for omote about 15 times before I felt comfortable. Ura seemed a little bit easier...go figure. *shrugs* I seem to catch onto ura faster.
Also practiced katatetori aihanmi (notice a running theme?) kotegaeshi nikyo (I believe), and katatetori aihanmi ikkyo omote and ura.
I managed to get a few "yeah, that's it!"'S and "you really are catching on pretty quick", so I guess I wasn't as akward as I felt. (pidgeon on roller skates)
Truthfull, Sensei only corrected me a few times, and the rest of the night I was left to practice with senior students.
We did kokyuho and then bowed out for a break. When we got back on the mat, Sensei had us pull out the bokken. There were about 20-25 people there tonight, and we stood in a huge circle practicing our upward/downward swings. (strengthening exercise--huzzah) Sensei counted to ten and then each person counted to ten in the large circle, alternating between two-handed, right hand only, left hand only..etc... in increments of ten. We did that twice. O_O I thought my arms were going to fall off by the time we were done. *does some quick math* That makes about 400-500 repetitions. I was surprised though that after once around the circle I got another burst of energy, and it became easier to cut the bokken up, down...up, down.. up, down.... whew!
We also had two brand new students join class tonight. Suddenly I am not the *complete* newbie. :) We also had several more students I had never seen before.
At the end of class, Sensei also mentioned that he is planning a seminar at the dojo for the Dallas area dojos over a weekend in April. Sounds like fun! *making mental note to schedule that weekend off work*
No aikido tomorrow, so I'm going to take a long bath, whip out the tiger balm (that stuff is great!) and sleep in. Have to take Secret to the vet for his surgery tomorrow before work.
I'm going to sleep SO well tonight.
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