
AIM philosophy

Elgin Arachel: I never said it was

LizardCrossing: indeed

Elgin Arachel: there is no indeed. you were wrong.

Elgin Arachel: you can't agree

LizardCrossing: yes I can

Elgin Arachel: you lose

LizardCrossing: one can only find victory through loss

Elgin Arachel: that's rhetorical nonsense.

LizardCrossing: nonsense breeds clarity

Elgin Arachel: no it fucking doesn't

LizardCrossing: denial is a step backwards from true enlightenment

Elgin Arachel: fuck that shit

LizardCrossing: I cannot begin to understand how I would accomplish such a feat

Elgin Arachel: then you don't have a very good imagination

LizardCrossing: imagination is just an illusion

Elgin Arachel: yeah.

Elgin Arachel: and?

LizardCrossing: illusion must be discarded in order to achieve clarity

Elgin Arachel: no it fucking won't. how are you going to acheive clarity if you
don't imagine the possibilities?

Elgin Arachel: if you don't imagine, how are you going to do it? wait for clarity to hit you in the face?

LizardCrossing: one does not have to imagine possibilities, because imagining possibilities inevitably limits possibilities as our mind cannot comprehend the infinite.

Elgin Arachel: I sound like lewis black.


Elgin Arachel: aah, but if our mind cannot comprehend the infinite anyways, then there's no reason NOT to imagine.

Elgin Arachel: either way we're missing out on a good deal of what the universe has to offer, that's just a fact of life

LizardCrossing: imagination focuses on what we can comprehend, but a mind free from illusion allows the infinite to become reality

Elgin Arachel: no it doesn't.

LizardCrossing: *is really bullshitting now*

Elgin Arachel: a mind free of illusion allows us to sit there drooling with an empty mind

LizardCrossing: a mind must be empty before it can be full

Elgin Arachel: no it fucking mustn't

LizardCrossing: a canvas must be blank before a painting is created

Elgin Arachel: no it doesn't.

LizardCrossing: you could paint over a picture already there, but then the picture would become distorted, and you would not recognize the final product


Anonymous Anonymous said...


I haven't talked to you in FOREVER .. I miss you woman .. tell me how to contact you


2:01 AM  
Blogger Liz said...

Hey Trena :)
How'd you find my blog? lol Anyway, my email is


I'll try your lost havens email addy on you DA site.


1:47 PM  

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