bumps and bruises
1) a major knot in the side of my neck, making it difficult for me to turn my head to the right.
2) a horrible cramp that keeps popping up on my back right thigh--similar to a charlie horse.
3) two identical bruises on my wrists from death-grip brown belt guy.
4) sore ankles from seiza
5) sore knees from seiza
6) mat burn on the top of my feet.... from seiza and ikkyo and knee-walking
7) bruise on my ribcage from tying my belt too tight. (I really need inner ties to keep the gi top together during class
Ahh well, it's worth it :)
On a whim while talking to Trena and looking through Yahoo groups I'm (still) in, I decided to see if I could remember the blog of another old face, which turns out to be you. And I did. "lizardcrossing" is unique enough to stick in my head, despite the passage of time, heh
I hope all the bumps and bruises get a-move on soon, though. And if you ever have more aim philosophy sessions.. heh.. do post them! That was hilarious.
Take care of yourself, Liz.
Thanks Don :)
You forgot to leave me a way to contact you... but I'll pull up aim and try to catch you. ^_^
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