
Class this weekend...

Class was pretty somber Saturday for the memorial. My Sensei was a longtime student of Tohei Sensei, who also made frequent visits to our dojo before he passed away.
Sensei talked a little about Tohei Sensei at the beginning of class- mainly his history and experiences with Aikido and with O'Sensei.
It was a very nice class.
Sensei demonstrated a technique and then would stop practice to talk more about Tohei Sensei. He shared his own personal experiences and anecdotes in between practice.

Sunday we had class in the morning. I couldn't stay for second class-- 3rd kyu and up class.
Bob Sensei taught. I've slept since then, so I don't remember everything we practiced. I know we did quite a bit of kokyunage.
Was a fun class overall.

Sunday afternoon, Scott hosted a July 4th party at his home, so that was a lot of fun. We swam, ate...ate more... swam...etc.. :) I made a pretty decent vegetarian chili which got kudos from the vegetarians present.

Went to see fireworks with Dena, her kids and my brother last night. It was spoiled by a migraine that had been threatening all day though. ugh. I didn't make it to work this morning-- I felt awful. I feel much better now tough. I slept in until 11:30 (LUXURY!)

On the bright side, I've had plenty of sleep and have recovered from the killer headache, so I can go to class tonight... huzzah.


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