How not to rage..
Manager calls me around 4:45 telling me that I had made a change to the schedule without informing anyone, so the two people who were supposed to work mid and close both worked a mid. Yeah, they didn't figure this out until nearly 5pm. Sooo my manager tells me I have to come into close. (I didn't change the schedule, the scheduler input it wrong.. but I won't go into that)
Nevermind the fact that it's my day off and I've got class on Thursdays. (I was more angry about missing class than the actually working thing)
Unfortunately, I think I took all the stress from other areas of my life and focused them all on this one minor irritation. While it seemed small (and in retrospect, it was) thing, I used it as an excuse to vent all my recent frustrations upon anyone who got within a 10 foot radius of me. This is not my usual style at work, as most of my fellow co-workers have not seen me really rage.
*sighs* I feel sorry for the few people I snapped at. I even apologized to my manager for snapping at him. Luckily, I've got a great working relationship with the management staff, and they HAVE seen my nasty side and seem to just give me wide berth when it pops up.
I told that manager in question that I wanted away from the service desk, and he seems to like the idea, so he told me he's going to put a bug in my store manager's ear. I said "I doubt it will do any good, he probably thinks I'm incompetent anyway"
His resonse rather surprised me. "actually it's quite the opposite"
Hmmm... because it's always felt to me like nothing I do is good enough for my store manager. He's always pushing me. Perhaps he's pushing me BECAUSE he respects me... I just don't see that attitude with the other dept. heads.
Ahh well, aikido in 8.5 hours. I should probably get some sleep. I really want to be able to enjoy class tomorrow. On the plus side, Scott Sensei is now teaching second class on Saturdays, so maybe I'll feel okay with staying for second, non-beginner's class. *crossing fingers*
Hey hun!!!! I havnt talked to you in ages!!!! We NEED to hang out, I tried calling you but I dont know if its the right number or not..oh well..have a good day!!!!!
sweet! I'll call you in a few days on my next day off :)
Managers and Pushing: It is a natural known tendency that Managers will delegate and push more and more tasks on those whom they feel have the potential to rise to the occasion. In essence the more you do, the more you are capable of doing, the more they will give you. Not because they want to break you, but because they known that whatever the task it will get done and they won't have to verify it later and they trust you ... I speak from experience as both a recipient and an assigner. At least that has been my experience, though of course it can get to be highly frustrating and stressful.
Oh, and one of these days I'll write in the Tomb again.
Bob aka Master of the Mist
heheh... same here :) hope all is well with you.
Thanks for the input. Sometimes I don't think things through. I also tend to doubt my abilities, especially in the workplace.
This has also been an issue that's drifted into my aikido practice. Sometimes I need wiser people to help remind me I'm not a dunce :)
Thanks Bob!
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